The discussion schedule:


Chapters 1&2 March 6-12

Chapters 3 &4 March 13-19

Chapters 5 & 6 March 20-26

Chapters 7 & 8 March 27- April 2

Chapter 9 April 3-9

Chapter 10 April 10-16

Please read the chapters, reflect and post your thinking to the blog. You need to post a minimum of 3 times for each discussion week.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter 10

10.  Organizing Staff Development Efforts in the Same Backpack

Chapter 9

9.  A Framework for Solving Problems

Chapter 7 and 8

7.  Coaching Your Whole Staff for Change

8.  Differentiated Coaching for Teachers:  The Power of a Strengths-Based Model

Chapter 5 and 6

5.  A Common Gramework: Creating a Climate Where Change is Possible

6.  Learning Styles and Coaching: An Effective Alliance

Chapter 3 and 4

3.  What Problems Do Teachers Want to Solve?

4.  How Can Teachers Collaborate?

Chapter 1 and 2

  1. What Do Teachers Believe?
  2. What Do Teachers Need During Change?